Thursday, December 15, 2011

Old Style will be Back for 2012, 2013 Season at Wrigley Field
Good news, Chicago Cubs fans—you will be able to drink your favorite brew at Wrigley Field next season. Daren Metropoulos, co-owner of Pabst Brewing Company, the parent company of Old Style, has helped to facilitate a deal with the Cubs.
This comes as a gigantic relief to Cubs fans. Not only has Old Style been served at Wrigley Field since 1950, but Old Style and Old Style Light are considered “Chicago’s brews.”
Daren Metropoulos is happy that Old Style will be back for the 2012, 2013 season. After all, baseball is an all American sport, and he has just recently become co-owner of an all-American Company.
Nothing pleases Daren Metropoulos and his brother Evan more than assuming this responsibility. They have been closely involved with their father’s other companies in the past. In fact, C. Dean credits his sons with being instrumental in improving sales for a number of them—such as International Home Foods and Ghirardelli Chocolate Co.  They look forward to bringing the same creativity and business acumen to this new venture.
Pabst Brewing Company is in need of their combined expertise. The 167-year-old company, still the largest privately owned brewery in America, has suffered flagging sales on some of their brews. (Besides their flagship brew, Pabst Blue Ribbon, PBC owns Schlitz, Colt 45, Old Milwaukee, and more, all of which have a deep history with American consumers) Daren Metropoulos and his brother Evan are well aware of the special place that Pabst Brewing Company holds in American’s hearts, and they are eager to restore PBC as America’s premier brewery.
One way that they are doing that is by keeping Old Style beer at Wrigley Field for its 62nd consecutive year. In exchange for increased advertising, the brothers have brokered a deal with the Chicago Cubs that will keep them in the forefront of Chicagoan’s minds. Not that they needed much help.
Old Style beer (which includes Old Style Light) has been a popular beverage among Chicagoans for the past 100 years. And with new kiosks at Wrigley and exciting new promotions at bars all across town there will be more opportunities than ever to enjoy an Old Style Beer in 2012 .
It’s good to know that Chicago Cub fans will not have to go without Old Style beer.  

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